Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sew and tell

I've been sewing nearly every weekend this summer. Here are a few of my projects.

A skirt for me from my most favorite fabric ever.

I just love the colors-they are much prettier in person.

I made this dress for Charlotte with some super cheap fabric from Wal-mart. It has yards of fabric so it is super twirly. I couldn't get her to put it on for a picture this morning-it is much cuter when it is on.

A doll for Mia's Birthday; her name is Mermia. Her face got a little square-but still cute. I like her colorful yarn hair.

A pillow case dress to indulge Charlotte's butterfly love.

I am hoping to take some family pictures in these outfits I made for the girls-out of my favorite fabric. (I didn't make the shirt-Target clearance rack. I did add the flower.)

Olivia is so cute in this dress. She loves it and asks to wear her "blue dress" everyday.

$5 tutu skirt. I love that tulle is so cheap.

Look what I got! A sweet Aunt heard through the grapevine that I like to sew. She said she had an unused serger sitting around and sent it to me.

So, more professional and more comfortable (Charlotte always tells me that the stuff I make is itchy) clothes for the girls coming soon! If only I knew how to use it!


Katy said...

I'm in love....can you make Mia some ruffle pants???

Andrea said...

You are Sew crafty Danielle! I love the tulle skirt-very cute. You could start your own children's botique-remember how well that went for sybil smith? Okay, maybe not, but your girls (and you) will always look cute!

Team Caldwell said...

Love it! you are so darn creative and crafty! and a serger owner! JEALOUS!!! I've always wanted one of those. You will have to tell me how great it is so I can convince Brian its worth the money!!!

emilydeardeuff said...

Seriously Danielle!!! So cute! I love all of them! I love all the bright colors and fun patterns! You are going to love your serger!