Friday, November 18, 2011

Sleepy heads

The girls have been trying my patience at bedtime lately. They think bedtime is their cue to get hyperactive and go crazy. They start up pillow fights, jump on the beds, or insist on flossing their teeth 5 times; getting them to bed is a serious feat. But, here is some evidence that they occasionally do sleep.

Olivia snuggling her favorite baby and her toothbrush. Aren't they cute when they are asleep!

Finn and Liv enjoying a nap together.

This is Finn's favorite place to sleep at night. I kick him off after a while so Charlotte doesn't have to battle this bed hog all night.

Liv just couldn't make it through her Dora movie before bedtime.


Jen said...

Cuties. I like the ET photo in Charlotte's bed.

emilydeardeuff said...

Sleeping children are magical!