Monday, April 30, 2012

Scenes from Supai

Thought I share a few shots from my trip to Havasupai on Friday. This time we hiked in, which gave me a much better view of things close up compared to the helicopter. This is the beautiful sight that greets you at the bottom of the largest descent into the canyon. The village is just 8 miles down the trail.
There were multiple horse/mule trains that day; each followed by a cowboy and thier dog. Most of the supplies for the village, including the mail, is carried in by these hard working and somewhat pitiful animals.
This guy made us laugh. He stopped and munched on this mesquite treee, and then he really had to run to catch up with the rest of the train.
Some of the cacti were blooming.
You know you are getting close to the village once the cottonwood trees start to appear.
Almost there, and feeling good. It was a bit hot-about 80 degrees.
Look, a cute little LDS church-who knew?
This is the view of the hiking trail from the hekicopter. I sat in the front with the pilot. He was sending a text message while flying. Technology-you never can escape it!
Another view from the helicopter. You can see that I had a wide open view in the front of the chopper. It was rather breathtaking!  Hopefully next time I can make it to the turquoise blue waterfalls that are two miles beyond the village, there was only time for business on this trip.


Jen said...

Thank you for all the info and photos about Havasupai. What a neat experience. I love that your pilot was texting--ha! And the horse train was interesting; the cowboy rides in the back.

Andrea said...

Awesome Danielle=such a great perk!