Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Festivities

Christmas began with Church on Sunday-the girls were sweet in their festive dresses.

Olivia even let me curl her hair!

On Christmas Eve we decorated gingerbread houses at Mom and Dads house. Thanks Andrea for baking them-and Mom for assembling them.

Olivia had a blast; although I think more candy went in her belly then on her house.

Finn tried to get in on the action.

Dad's masterpiece-using just the leftover candy when everyone else was finished. Nice work Dad!

Christmas morning the girls got these Angus horses from Santa. Olivia fell upon hers and exclaimed "it's just what I've always wanted!"

After stockings at our place  we headed to Mom and Dads where the rest of the presents were. The kids were anxious to open presents; but not before the traditional Hoth Christmas morning breakfast.

Everyone was hungry-and tired.

Some of the favorites-Charlotte's Zhu Zhu pet pony and playhouse.

Charlotte and Ed had a great time playing "Pony, Princess,Lego, Dino-Dragon Land" 

Olivia is very pleased with her flashing Minnie high heels-so fancy!

She has also been loving this adorable pretend-cake from Mom. It was a very Merry Christmas. We also visited the carousel for free rides on Christmas Day. The kids all rode 4 times. I decided not to bring the camera and just enjoy the ride for once. We had a great time with Mom and Dad and Andrea's family. It was so nice not to be alone in Arizona for the first time in years! Happy New Year to you all!


Jen said...

Cute photos! I miss you guys so much!

Katy said...

I'm still jealous about all the famliy fun you all had without me. Your girls are so precious.

Andrea said...

It was fun Danielle! I loved all your pictures from your last few posts. The outfits you made your girls are so cute-you should have a botique, or at least an Etsy store!