Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camp out

A few weekends ago we went camping near Camp Verde, AZ. It was a lovely spot with huge cottonwood trees and a creek to play in. It was extremely hot and humid, but we

had a great time. As we were setting up the tent Charlotte screams "I can't wait to go to bed!" I've never heard those words before!

Enjoying some roasted hot dogs-one day I'll think of something other than hot dogs to bring on a camp out.

Later that night after the temperature dropped below 90 degree; we made s'mores. Charlotte prepped the marshmallows for us; I think a few found their way into her mouth un-toasted.

So excited to go to sleep!

But, first a favorite movie to help them settle down.

In the morning Scott made some delicious blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Then it was off to the creek to cool off for a few hours. It was beautiful.



emilydeardeuff said...

Way to go! It looks like so much fun! Take me next time!!

Jen said...

Summer at its best, what fun!

Andrea said...

It's great that you take your girls camping-they'll always remember it.