Monday, June 13, 2011

The big 2!

Two years ago...

Olivia Grace turned two last Thursday. These aren't your typical Birthday photos; we decided to spend the day in Sedona. The pictures speak for themselves-we all had a great time.

I love the beautiful red rocks in the back of this photo.

Does it get any cuter than this girl?

She was like a little mermaid sunning on the rocks all day dipping her toes in the cold creek water. Next time I think we'll bring swimsuits.

Charlotte with her consolation prize. She got a new net and a bug house. We needed somewhere to put all the bugs she's been catching. In Sedona she caught some crawdads, some tiny fish, a tadpole and a few lizards.

Sorry-I have no cake and present photos. I couldn't get the other camera card to download. I'll try it again later. Olivia had a great Birthday. It is as if she knows she is older; suddenly she is talking all day long and saying the cutest things. She calls Charlotte "Sissy" and refers to Finn as simply "Dog". She can repeat the entire alphabet (one letter at a time after Mommy or Daddy say each letter), she knows all of her colors and sings the cutest lullabies to anything that resembles a baby. We are so happy that she is part of our family.


Jen said...

Beautiful photos, looks like a great day. Happy birthday Livi!

Emily said...

She is so darling! Happy Birthday Charlotte!!

Andrea said...

Olivia looks so cute and grown-up-and a lot like Charlotte. Happy birthday Livvy!

Katy said...

I just want to eat her up!!! So darling....Happy birthday Livlia!