Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ballet, Berries and Dads

Charlotte had her big ballet performance this weekend. Her class were"fireflies", they didn't really know their dance-but she looked so cute and felt so fancy.

So sassy!

We squeezed in some berry picking between ballet performances at a near by farm.

They told us the fields were really picked over; but we still found some nice berries. They were scrumptious! Charlotte spent most of the trip pretending she was a Velociraptor on the hunt.

Olivia was picking every berry in sight; even the yellow or rotten ones. I had to sort though her bucket.

Cute little country girls.

Happy Fathers Day to Scott. He is such a good Dad; always playing and hanging out with the girls. They sure love him!

Got to spend part of Fathers Day with my Dad. He was pleased with all the nice things his daughter sent (even if they were full of saturated fat). Thanks Dad for always being willing to help us out in any way you can; including trimming those mini-blind strings at our place the other day!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

love the fathers day pix. I know Dad loves having your nearby. The girls look so cute-makes me nostalgic for our former berry picking days....