Sunday, December 12, 2010

Candyland Birthday

Charlotte had a Candyland Birthday party this weekend. I used some decorations we'd painted for our Halloween contest last year at work. The rest I made while at home sick last week. It tuned out really cute.
Charlotte was literally jumping and screaming she was so excited for her party.

Here is the strawberry cake with strawberry filling and strawberry frosting; is it pink enough? All the kids wanted a frosting filled icecream cone.

The kids decorated crowns, played pin the horn on the unicorn, and had a giant game of candyland using the path on the floor.

She got all 4 candles in one big blow!

Aren't we done with pictures yet?

Livy had a good time too.

The girls spent the rest of the day playing on the rainbow path.

Her favorite gift was probably this dino bones model we put together as soon as all the guests were gone. It is now perched next to her bed so it can "protect her from dragons".
Happy Birthday Charlotte Belle! We love your sweetness, your crazy imagination, and they way you love your sister.


Jen said...

Oh Danielle, what a party! Happy Birthday "sweet" Charlotte! I wish we could have been there to eat frosting. Your cake is a beaut, as usual.

Katy said...

I love that she couldn't contain her excitement, wish I could've been there to see, and play.

Team Caldwell said...

Yay! I've been waiting and waiting to see the pictures! It turned out even cuter than you descibed it! Glad it went so well and she had a party as great as her!

emilydeardeuff said...

You are so creative and fun!! What a party! I love that she wants a dinosaur to protect her from dragons-haha!