Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We were walking in the woods the other day when we came across this guy.

Just kidding. On Saturday we went to an animal park not far from Flagstaff called "Bearizona". It is a drive-though park with bears, sheep, buffalo, burros and wolves. The park is still under construction and will eventually have a grizzy bear and some mountain lions. It was a very hot day and the animals were pretty much all zonked out. It was cute to see them all lounging about. The wolves were especailly cute.

Olivia sat on Scott's lap so she could get a better view of things. Then she decieded to take over the wheel for a while.

Don't you just want to pet this big mop head?

They also had a walk-around section of the park where all the baby animals were, along with some birds, and a petting zoo. Olivia thought this bird was super cool. If you held money out he would come and take it and put it in a container in his enclosure.

Pretty clever way to get us to hand over more money!

The petting zoo had these adroable baby pigs-isn't he scrumptious!

(I mean not in a bacon sort of way!)

The goats were Charlotte's favorite attraction.

Overall we had a really fun time; despite the 90 degree day.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You got me with that first line...I'm glad you weren't eaten by bears, fun time!