Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Remember these?

I found this paint with water book at the used bookstore for $1! I was so excited when I spotted it-I love these kind of things. I swear Katy and I had this very same book when we were little; the pictures look so familiar. The copyright says 1988; so it is very possible. The girls are having a great time painting them.

Could these vacuums be any cuter?

Gotta love a snake eating spaghetti!

Doesn't this nurse have more important things to do? How sexist!


Jen said...

Adorable! You should scan them first for fun cards (Valentine Vacuums?).

emilydeardeuff said...

I do love those!!! I need to find me some of those!co

Andrea said...

Yeah, the vacuums are hilarious-very cute drawings-way better then power rangers